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How do you prepare before traveling? Discovering new places Diary study (inactive)


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My name is Anne-Claire, your community manager. Via the contact me button below, you can email me with your questions about the themes that we are running on this community. 

Currently we have the following theme live: "How do you prepare before traveling?" with the following topics:

Information about the theme "Discovering new places" and "Diary study" can be found through the buttons on the top.

Theme: How do you prepare before traveling? 

In this theme we are gathering information on people's preparation before traveling. First we ask them whether they are the types that prepare (topic 1: a packing list). The ones who do and don't are asked how they then pack. In the second topic we suggest the use of an app that would help you pack (topic 2: a packing app). 

So far from these topics we have gathered the following insights:

The people who prepare would enjoy an app to help them pack, but interestingly the people who do not prepare would love one too. The difference between the two is that the non-prep would like a pre-set list, whilst the preppers would like a list they can create themselves, with the option of getting packing suggestions based on location/travel type. 

Topic 1: a packing list

There are different ways to prepare for a trip. One of the most obvious things that comes with good preparation is making a packing list. 
•    Do you always make a packing list when you go on trips?
•    Which 3 things should definitely not be missing from your packing list?
•    Do you have any other strategies in order to not forget anything?
I would love to hear what you put on your packing list!

Insights so far:

People have very mixed approaches to packing, some start weeks beforehand and some only the day of traveling. There seems to be an alignment between distance and the preparation people take. Short haul leads to less packing prep, especially for the non-preparation people, whereas the long haul adventures require preparation from everybody. 

Interesting User Quotes

...I never prepare, and always find out I forgot stuff. Generally the journeys I go on are a little more forgiving so I have not been in a situation where lucked out... 

-- Mark

I always prepare for the worst, my partner thinks I'm obsessed but I just want to be prepared!

-- Annie

Topic 2: an app to pack

There are different ways to prepare for a trip. One of the most obvious things that comes with good preparation is making a packing list. 
•    Have you ever tried using an app?
•    What never changes on your packing list?
•    What are the needs of a packing app?
I would love to hear what your thoughts are on an app for packing!

Insights so far:

People have very mixed approaches to packing, some start weeks beforehand and some only the day of traveling. There seems to be an alignment between distance and the preparation people take. Short haul leads to less packing prep, especially for the non-preparation people, whereas the long haul adventures require preparation from everybody. 

Interesting User Quotes

I would love an app, especially one that would have a suggested items to pack for my type of travel. I mean a camping trip is not the same as a stay in a resort.

-- John

...it would be great to have weather, type of holiday etc as a setting, but I would like to be the owner of my list..

-- Nicky

Survey Insights

After the topics, we delved a little deeper in the world of packing and apps. We found that there are already apps used, however they lack functionality and are more "to do" lists, and do not feel like specialised for travel. 

Topic statistics

A packing list

Number of participants 5

Number of responses 13

Number invited 277

Topic statistics

An app to pack

Number of participants 3

Number of responses 4

Number invited 277

If you have questions about this topic, please contact me:


Theme: Discovering new places

In this theme we are gathering information on people's preparation before traveling. First we ask them whether they are the types that prepare (topic 1: a packing list). The ones who do and don't are asked how they then pack. In the second topic we suggest the use of an app that would help you pack (topic 2: a packing app). 

So far from these topics we have gathered the following insights:

The people who prepare would enjoy an app to help them pack, but interestingly the people who do not prepare would love one too. The difference between the two is that the non-prep would like a pre-set list, whilst the preppers would like a list they can create themselves, with the option of getting packing suggestions based on location/travel type. 

Topic 1: a packing list

There are different ways to prepare for a trip. One of the most obvious things that comes with good preparation is making a packing list. 
•    Do you always make a packing list when you go on trips?
•    Which 3 things should definitely not be missing from your packing list?
•    Do you have any other strategies in order to not forget anything?
I would love to hear what you put on your packing list!

Insights so far:

People have very mixed approaches to packing, some start weeks beforehand and some only the day of traveling. There seems to be an alignment between distance and the preparation people take. Short haul leads to less packing prep, especially for the non-preparation people, whereas the long haul adventures require preparation from everybody. 

Interesting User Quotes

I would love an app, especially one that would have a suggested items to pack for my type of travel. I mean a camping trip is not the same as a stay in a resort.

-- John

...it would be great to have weather, type of holiday etc as a setting, but I would like to be the owner of my list..

-- Nicky

If you have questions about this topic, please contact me:
